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Black Cumin Seed

Rajib Singha
The black cumin seed is obtained from Nigella sativa, which is a plant that is endemic to southwest Asia. This Story provides information on its uses and health benefits.
The black cumin seeds are often employed in alternative medicine. These are also referred to as fennel flower, black caraway, nutmeg flower, Roman coriander, etc. These dark, thin, and crescent-shaped seeds are obtained from the flower of the plant. The fruit is made of 3 - 7 united follicles. Each of these follicles bear numerous seeds.
The seeds have great importance in Arabic culture. These are believed to be therapeutic in nature. These possess antioxidant properties, are also believed to be analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-viral, and anti-parasitic in nature.
Their use can also prove beneficial for people affected by asthma, hypertension, and hypoglycemia. The oil extracted from these seeds also has medicinal properties.

Uses and Health Benefits

The oil extracted from these seeds is extensively used for medicinal purposes, and the seed is often used as a spice in a variety of dishes. Dishes wherein these seeds are incorporated in the form of a spice might aid in the digestion process. These might also also relieve discomfort caused due to gas and bloating.
The seeds also help in regulating proper bowel movement, as they aid peristalsis ( wavelike movements of muscles of the alimentary tract that moves the food along). The use of oil extracted from the seeds is believed to make one less vulnerable to intestinal worms.
Benefits of the seeds, as well as the oil has been a subject of conflict in various folklore. According to some, the seed is known to be a cure-all or panacea (hypothetical remedy for all diseases; once sought by alchemists).
While herbal practitioners believe that their efficacy can be further improved by combining the seeds with garlic, there's lack of conclusive evidence to back these claims.
It is believed that their use might help in case of autoimmune disorders, wherein the cells of the immune system mistakenly attack or destroy healthy cells of the body. It is believed that these seeds stimulate the activities of neutrophil, which are immune cells found in the bone marrow.
A few animal studies have been conducted to test their efficacy in the treatment of cancer. In one experiment, black cumin seed oil was used on some mice affected by cancer. About two-thirds of these mice survived for 30 days. Again, extensive research and conclusive scientific evidence is required to prove its use in the treatment of cancer.
Apart from being used as a remedy for headache, toothache, colds, and infections, it is believed that it might prove beneficial in alleviating the symptoms of asthma and allergies. The oil can be applied on hair and nails to strength them and add luster. The mixture of ground seeds, garlic, and honey can be used as home made remedy for cold, flu, and cough.
The antibacterial property of this spice makes it an immunity booster, especially during the winter. Topical application of this oil might help alleviate the symptoms of conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, dry skin, acne, etc., to some extent.
Though side effects have not been observed, if the seeds or oil are used in limited amounts, their use is not recommended for pregnant women or lactating mothers.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this Story is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.