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Benefits of Soy Milk for Men

Bidisha Mukherjee
Many people have the misconception that soy milk is beneficial only for women. This is however not true. In this story, we have mainly highlighted various benefits of soy milk for men.
Soy milk is a healthy, nutritious drink. It is a good source of protein. It also contains a high amount of soluble dietary fiber, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals that are essential for a healthy body. Besides, it has a vital component named isoflavones, which is a phytoestrogen that has the ability to fight off various diseases.
It has powerful antioxidants that prevent degeneration of body tissues with increase in age. Thus, it provides protection to the body from various diseases that are related to aging process. Milk from the dairy contains hormones that often interfere with the functioning of the body but soy milk does not contain any such hormone that influences functions of the body.

What are the Benefits of Soy Milk for Men?

Various research studies have found that the benefits of soy milk are mainly because of the protein and natural fiber present in it. Some of the key health benefits of drinking this vegetarian milk are given below.
  • One of the most important soy milk benefits is that it can reduce cholesterol levels in blood. Milk from the dairy consists of saturated fat and cholesterol but soy milk is free from cholesterol. Moreover, its fatty components are rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats. 
Thus, it can reduce the levels of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or 'bad' cholesterol in the body and can increase the levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or 'good' cholesterol in the body.
Reduction in the level of bad cholesterol brings down the risk of heart diseases. For this reason, soy milk is highly recommended for those people who have high cholesterol levels. It is also considered as safe for patients with heart disease.
  • Soy milk can prevent hypertension in men. The fatty acids and the powerful antioxidants present in soy milk protect the lining of blood vessels from any kind of damage caused by the free radicals. It also prevents plaque build up inside the arteries. Thus, it can keep the blood pressure in check and prevent hypertension.
  • Soy milk protects the body from various forms of cancer. The chances of prostate cancer in men become less, if they drink soy milk regularly. This is because the isoflavones of soy milk happen to be a phytoestrogen, a plant hormone that can control the production of testosterone. 
Low levels of testosterone reduce the risk of hormone related cancer such as prostate cancer to a great extent. Its antioxidant properties can also fight off other forms of cancer that include colon cancer and lung cancer.
  • Soy milk is good for those suffering from diabetes. This is because, its soluble fiber enables release of glucose into the blood at a slow pace. As a result, the blood sugar level in the body remains steady.
  • Soy milk can fight osteoporosis very well. This is a degenerative disease which is characterized by weakening of bones. If middle aged and elderly men start drinking soy milk, it increases calcium absorption in the body and any further loss of bone mass due to aging can be stopped.
  • Those men who are trying to lose weight should have soy milk. Firstly, it has a very low sugar content. The monounsaturated fatty acids control absorption of fat inside the intestine. Thus, it does not contribute towards any further weight gain. 
On the other hand, soy milk supplies us with large amount of soluble fiber, which combines with water to form a gel like substance that gives a sense of fullness for a long time. Hence, one does not feel the need of eating anything.
To yield maximum benefits, you must drink freshly prepared soy milk. You should not have the prepackaged one which is available in the local food stores as their nutritional values are not very high. One more thing that you should keep in mind is that those who have soy allergy should never take soy milk. If you have an existing health problem, then you must talk to your doctor once, before you start taking soy milk regularly.