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Benefits of Pomegranate Seeds

Leena Palande
Pomegranate is described as a 'super-food' since it carries exceptional nutritional and antioxidant properties. This Story presents the nutritional properties of the juicy and succulent beads of this fruit.
The red, plump, juicy pomegranate seeds exhibit several medicinal properties. These seeds were used as a medicine to treat various conditions during the ancient times. Even today, the juicy seeds as well as the skin is used as a traditional medicine in various cultures. These days, many products made out of this fruit such as green tea, juice, syrup, extract, etc., are available all over the world.

Nutrition Data


Pomegranate is termed as a 'super-food' because of its exceptional nutritional quality. The seeds are extremely rich in antioxidants which help fight free radicals developed in the body. Antioxidant properties of the seed help fight cancer and improve the overall health.
The three types of polyphenols: tannins, anthocyanins, and ellagic acid obtained from this fruit are mainly responsible for the health benefits. Antioxidants help prevent cancers, especially prostate, breast, and skin cancers.

Dietary Fiber

One medium-sized pomegranate contains one gram of dietary fiber, which is approximately 4 percent of the recommended daily value. Dietary fiber improves your digestive health by preventing constipation, indigestion, gas, etc. It promotes smooth and easy digestion of the ingested food, and in turn helps increase the absorption of nutrients in the digestive tract. Thus, it improves your overall health.

Vitamin C

One medium pomegranate provides 15% of daily value of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an antioxidant vitamin which helps prevent infections and diseases by strengthening your immune system. It also boosts the absorption of iron and calcium by the body. Therefore, it is essential for the overall health. 100 g of the seeds contain about 6 mg of vitamin C.


One medium pomegranate provides 2% of daily value of iron, which is an important element of blood. Therefore, the consumption of this fruit helps increase the hemoglobin count in blood. Healthy blood can transport more oxygen to all parts of the body, thereby making you feel energetic. Iron is essential to avoid anemia and other serious health conditions.

B vitamins

The beads provide various B vitamins like vitamin B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6, and B9 (folate). Folate plays an important role in preventing birth defects in infants. B vitamins are essential for the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, and the production of energy. 100 g of beads contain 17 g of carbohydrates, which can keep you active and energetic.


Apart from iron, the fruit is rich in calcium, phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. These minerals/electrolytes strengthen your bones and teeth, and enhance the function of the brain cells.
They take part in various metabolic reactions and help produce energy, fight free radicals, purify blood, and strengthen your immune system. Even the dried whole arils, known as anardana, which are an integral part of Indian and Pakistani cuisine exhibit medicinal properties and help improve your health. They are enlisted under popular Asian spices.

Health Benefits of the Seeds

Better Blood Circulation

The facts regarding pomegranate seeds nutrition reveal that they act as 'blood thinners'. Thinning of blood results in improved blood supply to the heart. The seeds help prevent accumulation of plaque in the arteries by lowering the bad cholesterol levels. This helps prevent atherosclerosis, heart attack, and other heart diseases.

Improved Digestive Health

It helps boost secretion of the digestive enzymes, and is used to treat piles, dysentery, diarrhea, and intestinal parasites. It also helps prevent constipation and enhance your appetite.
The antibacterial and antiviral properties of the seeds help avoid tooth decay by protecting the teeth from plaque layers. The seeds are soothing for the throat. They are used to treat sore throat and cough. They also help lower wheezing due to asthma.

Other Benefits

Regular consumption of the fruit helps maintain the normal blood pressure, and slow down the advancement of Alzheimer's disease. The juice acts as an enzyme inhibitor and helps prevent cartilage damage. Those diagnosed with osteoarthritis should eat a pomegranate every day.
It is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. It also helps maintain the levels of estrogen in women. This automatically helps reduce PMS. One of the main benefits of the seeds is that they exhibit anti-aging properties, which help prevent the early signs of aging such as wrinkles, saggy, and dull skin. You may even apply the juice directly to your skin.

Health Benefits of the Seed Oil

The oil extracted from the seeds of pomegranate exhibits the same medicinal properties. It is used in the manufacture of facial serums, lotions, medicines, moisturizing and nourishing creams, soaps, lip balms, etc. It works great for arthritis, dry, scaly skin, eczema, psoriasis, and other skin disorders. The oil also improves the function of the cardiovascular system.
Pomegranate comes with a sweet and tart flavor, and is available in markets all the year round. The seeds can be used in various ways, like manufacturing granola bars, snacks, etc., or for garnishing various salads, yogurts, other dishes, etc. If consumed daily, the nutritional elements of this fruit can help you lead a healthy and active life.
Disclaimer: This Story is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.