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Benefits of Folic Acid

Rutuja Jathar
Folic acid is a type of vitamin B, which is very essential for us to lead a healthy life. It is very beneficial for pregnant women, but that's not its only benefit. Read on to know more.
Folic acid is one of the eight vitamins that belong to the group Vitamin B. It is known by many different names as B9, Folate, or Folacin. Folic acid is an essential water soluble vitamin required for the formation of new healthy set of cells.
Looking at the scientific results, it is the most researched vitamin from the group Vitamin B. Researches have, time and again, proved its importance numerous health benefits.


Folic acid and healthy pregnancy are very much interrelated. This acid is a great energy booster and increases red blood cells production.
Foods high in folic acid like asparagus, dried beans, oranges, whole wheat products, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, beet roots, spinach, etc., actually provide adequate amount of acid to fill out vitamin deficiencies.
Folic acid actually has no side effects, hence it is said to be safe to consume. It helps in the metabolism of protein, and the prevention of anemia. Therefore, it is said to be very essential for pregnant women, and in prevention of many severe medical conditions including Spina bifida (split spine), which is a severe spinal cord disease found in infants.


Folic acid is a water soluble vitamin beneficial for almost all aspects of human health. The biggest benefit is observed in pregnant women, and women planning to conceive. Women in childbearing age must consume at least 800 - 1000 micrograms of vitamin B9 in their regular diet.

» Decreases the Risk of Birth Defects

Folic acid is a co-enzyme in the synthesis of DNA and RNA, which is an important function in replication and division of the cells. When this acid is consumed prior to conception, it proves very vital in preventing birth defects. Its consumption three months prior to pregnancy has proved significant in maintaining infant's as well as the mother's health.

» Maintains Blood Health

It regulates and increases the production of the red blood cells, absence of which is a medical condition known as 'Anemia'. It stabilizes and regulates the blood pressure levels by relaxing the blood vessels, that reduces the risk of high blood pressure, and low blood pressure as well.
In many cases of low blood pressure, B9 vitamin supplements are suggested to prevent the possible risk of strokes, hypertension and hypotension.

» Maintains Mental Health

Folic acid is said to be beneficial in retaining memory, and the mental agility which gets exhausted with growing age. Many scientists connect its levels in blood to mood swings. It is said that folic acid controls the human temper, and also proves beneficial in the treatment of depression, especially when taken with other vitamin B complex.
It controls the homocysteine levels in the blood, that are present in the blood of depressed people on a larger degree. Hence, folic acid is essential for the treatment of depression, along with other routine treatment measures.

» Other Benefits

► Increases the production of breast milk
► Prevents Alzheimer's disease
► Good for skin
► Helps in brain development and functioning
► Prevents cancer
► Improves fertility
► Prevents eye diseases like Macular degeneration
Several conditions like alcohol abuse, nutritional deficiency, liver disease, problems in digestive tract, kidney disease, and wrong medication can result into B9 vitamin deficiency that can later on aggravate into the mentioned medical conditions.
Always keep a check on your folic acid levels, and consume foods rich in this acid in sufficient amount as advised by your health care provider. Take care!