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Benefits of Fasting

Aastha Dogra
There is much debate about the benefits of long-term fasting. However, according to the American College of Cardiology in New Orleans, occasional water-only fasts can reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease. This Story provides information about how it can help the human mind and body.
Fasting can be defined as total abstinence from food or certain food items for a particular period of time. During this period, a person may increase his intake of fluids and water, so that his thirst is satisfied, and his physiological requirements are fulfilled. One of the most important benefits of this practice is detoxification, i.e., cleansing the body of the waste matter and toxins.

Health Benefits

Aids in Overcoming Addictions

It is beneficial in overcoming addictions to alcohol, drugs, caffeine, and smoking. When a person is trying to quit any of these addictive substances, he or she may face certain withdrawal symptoms, which may deter him from continuing with his goal of de-addiction.
However, when it is paired with fasting, it minimizes the withdrawal symptoms to a great extent. Thus, helping a person overcome the addiction to a great extent after that.

Helps in Better Digestion

Another great benefit is that it can help alleviate the symptoms of gastrointestinal disorders such as constipation, stomach bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, and gastritis.

Mental Alertness

It may also help in the removal of toxins from the blood and the lymphatic system. Also, lesser intake of food, helps in conservation of energy. As a result, the mind and the brain are able to think more clearly and hence, remain alert.

Helps in Weight Loss

Although not scientifically proven, it is also believed to aid in weight loss. However, long-term fasting sends the body in survival mode, which slows down the metabolism. It further leads to the slower consumption of the fats. Then, when the normal diet is resumed, it starts the deposition of fats, which leads to weight gain.
Hence, alternate day fasting is advisable, in which the person eats one day and fasts the other day. However, it can prove beneficial only if he/she doesn't overeat.

Prevents Health Disorders

Other health benefits may include prevention and treatment of many health disorders. If done occasionally, it helps in lowering the cholesterol level, which prevents heart problems in the process. It also improves one's breathing, thus preventing respiratory problems. It gives a person full control over his appetite and lifestyle, allowing him to lead a more balanced life.


Liquid Fast

For a beginner, it is best to start with a liquid fast, in which he can consume only fresh fruit juice, water, vegetable juice, and coconut water. He should also refrain from the consumption of all kinds of cooked and raw vegetables, fruits, whole grains, dairy products, caffeine, meats, and also drugs.

Water Fast

Water fast, although more difficult than the liquid fast, has unmatched benefits. It should ideally begin with two days of liquid fast, followed by eight days of water fast, and end with two days of liquid fast. The person following it should drink at least two liters of water everyday. This fast should be kept for a minimum of ten days for it to be truly effective.

Lemon Cleanse Fast

Also known as master cleanse diet, it requires both great discipline and a strong will. During this fast, a person can consume water, lemon juice, maple syrup, and water. It is generally kept for a period, ranging from eight to forty days. It helps in losing weight and also in colon cleansing.
As aforementioned, fasting offers a number of benefits such as prevention of many health disorders, an increase in mental alertness, and weight loss. It may also improve the skin texture significantly. However, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting a long-term fast so as to avoid any health complications.
Disclaimer: This Story is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.