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Beans Health Benefits

Found in different parts of the world, beans can be used in many cuisines. But before you include them in any recipes, learn about their health benefits in this Story.
Sheetal Mandora
Call them beans, pulses, or legumes, they are members of a huge category of vegetables as there are more than 13,000 species found in the world. Many of you already know what are beans and their appearance. But beans is such a general word to use for there are many different types of beans available all over the world. These beans are a good source of protein, iron, magnesium, potassium, fiber, complex carbohydrate, and are low in fat content as well.
There are various cultures around the world that include a few of these beans into their staple diet. With the growing popularity of eating healthy and staying fit, beans have also become quite noticeable. Which is why we have put together this Story to learn about different health benefits of beans.
So read the rest of the Story to find out how black beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, and lupini (or lupin) beans are beneficial to our health.

Health Benefits of Different Beans

As there are different types of beans, listing all their health benefits will be tough. Which is why we have taken four beans - black, kidney, pinto, and lupini beans and provided their health benefits. As you read on, you will find common beans health benefits found in all of these beans.

Health Benefits of Black Beans

  • As black beans are rich in fiber, they help reduce cholesterol levels. Also, the fiber helps in keeping the blood sugar level in check as well; especially after meals.
  • Black beans have antioxidants which fight against the effects of aging. These beans are also known to fight cancer.
  • People who have hypoglycemia and diabetes should eat black beans as it has dietary fibers in them.
  • As black beans are a good source of iron, women who menstruate should consume them as they are at risk of iron deficiency.
  • For people who are looking to lose weight, eating black beans can be helpful as they are low in calories and fat-free.
  • Black beans also contain magnesium. This mineral is useful in maintaining our blood pressure.

Health Benefits of Kidney Beans

  • Kidney beans have a high fiber content which lowers cholesterol levels and regulates blood sugar levels after meals. Which is why people who have diabetes or hypoglycemia are advised to consume them.
  • These beans contain the mineral molybdenum which aids in detoxifying sulfates from our blood.
  • With the presence of magnesium in kidney beans, people who eat them on a regular basis will find relief from fatigue as it helps in relaxing muscles and nerves.
  • Kidney beans contain folic acid and they help prevent strokes, heart attacks, and other heart related conditions.
  • Kidney beans are rich in iron which helps in carrying oxygen to the cells.

Health Benefits of Pinto Beans

  • Pinto beans also contain fiber which help in reducing cholesterol levels and regulating blood sugar levels after meals. This is why people with diabetes are advised to consume them.
  • As these beans have insoluble fibers, prevention of constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and diverticulosis is possible.
  • Women who are menstruating, pregnant, lactating, and/or taking care of kids should eat pinto beans on a regular basis as they have high contents of iron.
  • Pinto beans contain copper which promotes an enzyme lysyl oxidase's activity, in our body. This enzyme is related to collage and elastin in our body which keeps our bones, joints, and blood vessels flexible.
  • These beans also contain vitamin B in them which helps in producing energy for our body that lasts the entire day and develops the brain cell/cognitive function.

Health Benefits of Lupini Beans

  • Not only are lupini beans high in protein but also contain fibers. They also have low fat, oil, and starch contents which makes them one of the healthiest beans.
  • Eating lupini beans will help you feel fuller for a longer time, give you more energy throughout the day, and burn calories.
  • Lupini beans aid in controlling obesity and reducing weight.
  • These beans improve your blood vessel performance which in turn lowers hypertension.
  • Lupini beans also keep constipation, piles, and irritable bowel syndrome at bay.
To cook these, or any other beans, the best way is to get dried and not canned beans, soak them in water for about 8 hours or overnight, and then boil them in hot water with salt. You can even search for some popular recipes which includes these beans.
Even though beans are a rich source of protein, they are not supposed to eaten alone as they don't provide the sufficient amount of minerals, protein, vitamins, and other nutrition our bodies require. Which is why, they are supposed to be combined with nuts, corn, wheat, whole grains or even brown rice.
After reading the essential benefits to our health, you can find a way to bring them into your kitchen and eventually, to your dinner tables.