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Atkins Nutritional Approach

Buzzle Staff
The Atkins Nutritional Approach is a famous diet program introduced by Dr. Robert Atkins. It promotes a low carbohydrate diet. The following story provides more information on this diet.
The Atkins Nutritional Approach involves cutting down on the carbohydrate content, which in turn results in a process called ketosis. When a person follows a low-carbohydrate diet, the body uses the stored fats to meet the energy requirements, thereby leading to weight loss.
The Atkins diet focuses on health and lifestyle goals, based on a simple philosophy. It involves intelligent carbohydrate intake with high fiber and low sugar, adequate protein consumption, optimal intake of vitamins and minerals, and a balance of natural fats. The goal is to achieve better nutrition, better health outcomes, and increased energy performance by providing nutrition for the body while limiting the carbohydrate intake.

Unrecognized Factors About Western Eating Habits

Atkins claimed that there are two unrecognized factors about Western eating habits. Firstly, obesity is attributed to the consumption of refined carbohydrates (mainly sugar flour and high fructose corn syrups). The proponents believe that the claim of consumption of saturated fat being a major nutritional problem is overrated. In this diet, the consumption of trans fat from sources such as hydrogenated oils needs to be avoided.
Dr. Atkins asserted that the tremendous increase in the intake of refined carbohydrate is responsible for the rise in metabolic disorders of the twentieth century, and that the focus on the harmful effects of dietary fats has actually contributed to obesity by increasing the proportion of insulin-inducing foods in the diet.
He proposed a low carbohydrate diet that improves the metabolism of the body. The concept of net carbohydrates results in controlled blood sugar. He also recommended the use of nutritional supplements that are high in proteins, fats, and 24 essential nutrients, and fiber.
The essential fatty acids are also provided through supplements like Atkins juice, shakes, and bars, which provide nutrition while reducing the risk of coronary heart disease and blood pressure. Excessive insulin can also be controlled with this diet.

Four Principles

The Atkins Nutritional Approach is based on four principles. These include:
  • To lose weight
  • To maintain weight loss
  • To achieve good health
  • To attain a permanent foundation for good health
The 4-phase diet plan is combined with the use of vitamin and mineral supplements and regular exercise. According to the proponents, it is possible to lay the foundation for a lifetime of good health by following this diet. The 4-phase plan allows selecting food knowledgeably, based on the need to achieve weight loss and weight maintenance, enjoying good health, and preventing diseases.

The Four Phases

Phase I - Induction

During this phase, the carbohydrate consumption is restricted to 20 grams daily. The dieter obtains carbohydrate primarily from salad and other non-starchy vegetables.

Phase II - Ongoing weight loss

In this phase, carbohydrates are included in the form of nutrients, which are dense and fiber-rich. The carbohydrate intake is increased to 25 grams daily in the first week, 30 grams in the second week, etc. to know how many carbohydrates you can consume till you continue to lose weight.

Phase III - Pre-maintenance

This is a phase wherein carbohydrate intake is increased daily by 10 grams each week, as long as gradual weight loss is maintained.

Phase IV- Lifetime maintenance

While controlling carbohydrate intake, select a variety of foods to ensure weight maintenance to lay the foundation for good health.
The Atkins diet was and is controversial and many questions have been raised about its efficiency. However, some of the claims by Dr. Atkins, which were initially scoffed at, have been found to be true.