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Nutrition Facts About Asparagus

Ujwal Deshmukh
Asparagus is amongst the oldest known herb to mankind. Let's see some of the various asparagus nutrition facts, and also its benefits. Have a look.
Mother nature has endowed many nutritional and beneficial herbs for the betterment of mankind. Thankfully, we also have been wise enough to use these for health reasons! Asparagus is one such perennial and oldest known herb to the human civilization.
In the primitive days, it was found in the regions of west Asia, some of the European countries, and a few parts of northern Africa. However, speaking in today's terms, it is found in almost all parts of the world as a vegetable crop.
Asparagus is actually a genus and asparagus officinalis is the flowering plant that hails from this family.
With growing importance of health and fitness in the modern world, everyone has begun researching on the nutritional plants, herbs and their extracts. Therefore the informative sources like the Internet, newspapers, health magazines, and health and fitness channels on the television, often emphasize on their importance, nutritional facts and health benefits.
Asparagus is another important topic of discussion in this regard, as there have been many researches in the recent past, aiming on knowing all the asparagus nutrition facts, for both steamed and cooked asparagus.

Nutritional Value: Asparagus

No doubt, asparagus is a nutritional plant! But in what ways? What is the protein, carbohydrate, calorie fat, and fiber content of asparagus? Asparagus is a herb which is rich in numerous essential nutrients.
1 Cup Asparagus Contains:
 Calorie content - 44.00 cals
 Protein content - 4.65 gm
 Water content - 165.00 gm
 Soluble fiber content - 1.15 gm
 Insoluble fiber content - 1.75 gm
 Dietary fiber content - 2.85 gm
 Carbohydrate content - 7.60 gm
 Sugar fiber content - 2.85 gm
 Mono fat content - 0.02 gm
 Saturated fat content - 0.12 gm
 Poly fat content - 0.23 gm
Moreover, asparagus is also a rich source of minerals such as magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, sodium, iron, copper, calcium and manganese. Vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, vitamin A, thiamine and niacin also are present in sufficient quantities in this herb.

Asparagus Benefits

It is now established that asparagus is nutritional. However, what are the health benefits of asparagus? Here's some discussion on the same.
  • The antioxidants present in asparagus help prevent the growth of cancerous cells in the body.
  • Mineral content in asparagus juice is also helpful in controlling blood sugar levels.
  • Asparagus is also good for the heart. Sufficient quantities of asparagus juice mixed with some raw honey, if consumed twice or thrice in a day, is healthy for the heart and also helps in heart enlargement.
  • Asparagus has also been found to prevent multiple sclerosis, bladder and urinary tract infections.
  • It is also helpful for people suffering from high blood pressure, as it lowers the blood pressure levels.
  • Moreover, it is also beneficial for nursing mothers, as it helps increase milk generation, besides preventing neural tube defects in newborns.
  • Asparagus also possesses antiviral and anti fungal properties.
  • Because it is a good source of vitamin K, it is beneficial for the bones, and it limits neuronal damage to the brain, which is why it beneficial for patients of Alzheimer's disease.
Now you must have understood that asparagus is a beneficial plant and it also has many health benefits. Cooked asparagus also retains its nutritional value and is equally beneficial for our health.
Therefore, ensure that your diet contains sufficient amounts of asparagus, or you can also try out a few asparagus recipes for that purpose.