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Ascorbic Acid Powder

Ascorbic acid powder is mainly a sugar acid and has antioxidant properties. This Story will elaborate what exactly this is and why is it used.
Medha Godbole
We all know that our immune system is instrumental in keeping infections at bay from our body. All the essential nutrients contribute in their distinct way in keeping our immune system on track. Still one of the nutrients which leads the way when it comes to keeping the immune system in good shape is vitamin C.
Our diet should ideally provide us with all the nutrients, but sometimes it happens that we do not get enough from our diet. In that case we have to take supplements. Take for instance, vitamin C itself. One of the forms in which ascorbic acid is known to us is Vitamin C. This article will deal with this acid in the powder form.

What is Ascorbic Acid Powder?

It is a sugar acid which has prominent antioxidant characteristics. The powder of this acid is white to light yellow in color. As mentioned earlier, one of the most common forms of ascorbic acid is vitamin C. From this it is pretty clear that this powder mainly has vitamin C.
This powder is easily soluble in water and compensates for the deficiency of vitamin C in our body. All in all it is a powdered form of vitamin C. This is one of the most significant facts on Vitamin C.
For ensuring maximum shelf life and chemical properties of the powder, it is essential to store it in a cool, dry, and dark environment. Other factors to be aware of are light, high temperatures, metallic substances and exposure to oxygen. These factors can spoil the powder.

Benefits and Uses of Ascorbic Acid Powder

If you research on ascorbic acid, you will realize that it has a number of uses, from nutritional supplements to commercial and industrial uses.

Health Benefits

Although fruits and vegetables are indeed the best way in which we can get our necessary quota of ascorbic acid, it happens that we might not be able to eat that much amount of foods with Vitamin C. In that case, consuming this powder by mixing it with water can help the body get the remaining portion out of the necessary quota.
The antioxidant properties of vitamin C can give the body a protective cover against a lot of diseases and health problems. It can prevent severe deficiency of vitamin C, which can cause Scurvy and muscle weakness. So this is one of the most prominent benefits of this acid.

Ascorbic Acid Powder for Canning

Another significant use of this powder is in preserving and canning food. From canning fruits to vegetables, this powder is used to a great extent. Canning apples, mushrooms and a few other fruits like pears and peaches, which are prone to oxidative browning after they are peeled, are treated with ascorbic acid for preventing the browning.
This also applies when such fruits have to be frozen. Just sprinkle the powder on the fruits directly or make a solution of the powder and water and apply it to the fruits before they are frozen or canned.

Ascorbic Acid Powder for Pools

This powder is also used for cleaning swimming pools and getting rid of pool stains. What is more, for dealing with rust in a pool, simply putting this powder in the pool filter will do the trick. Of course, the detailed instructions to use the powder will have to be followed.
Another interesting fact about this acid is that it is a part of photographic developing solution, on account of its properties of oxidization on exposure to air.
So, all in all, this powder is a very useful product and can prove to be a great help in maintaining overall health. But do not overdo it, take care.
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