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Almonds Health Benefits

Rajib Singha
A delicious addition to sweet and savory dishes, almonds are enjoyed by all! Here, you will get to know about the numerous health benefits of almonds.
What makes almonds popular and favorite among people, is the fact that they are available all the year round. So, unlike other seasonal products, people do not have to wait for a particular season to enjoy the flavor of these mouth-watering nuts. However, almonds are at their freshest and tastiest in mid-summer.

Almond - The Seed of Good Health!

As Antioxidants

33% of the daily requirement of Vitamin E (which comprises a fat-soluble antioxidant) required by the body, can be fulfilled with an ounce of almonds as they are a rich source of Vitamin E. By inculcating one ounce of almonds in your daily diet, you can get the essential amount of antioxidants in your body and prevent the onset of several chronic diseases.

Lower LDL Cholesterol

One of the most important benefits of almonds is taking care of the 'bad' (LDL) cholesterol. Almonds are high-fat food, but containing monounsaturated fats, which are health-promoting fats which are associated with reduced risk of heart diseases. Certain studies showed that when almonds were combined with a healthy diet, the benefits were additive.

Weight Loss

One smart way for weight loss  is to include almonds in your daily diet. These nuts are high in fiber and protein, and help to keep you feel fuller for a longer time. So till it is lunch or dinner time, you would not feel the need or temptation of munching on those unhealthy 'fast foods'.
So, keep some of these healthy nuts at your workplace and enjoy eating them instead of any fries or cookies. Medical experts say that a diet including almonds or other nuts is less likely to cause weight gain than one without nuts.

Rich in Magnesium and Potassium

Magnesium is required by the body for undisturbed blood circulation, and improved flow of oxygen, and several nutrients throughout the body. Most cases of heart attacks are associated with a deficiency in this important mineral. So, a quarter-cup of almonds is good enough to make up for about 25% of the daily requirement of magnesium.
Potassium, the body needs it for keeping nerve functioning and muscle contraction running smoothly. Normal blood pressure and proper heart function is thus, dependent on an adequate quantity of this mineral. A quarter cup of almonds contain 257 mg of potassium, and beefs up your defense against severe conditions like high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.

Other Health Benefits

► Use of almond oil is well-known for treating skin problems such as wrinkles, dark circles under eyes, dry skin, black heads, pimples and others. The oil is a prime ingredient in many massage oils. It leaves the skin soft, smooth and refreshed.
A face pack prepared by the mixture of almond oil, honey and lemon juice does great for the skin, when applied once a week.
Apart from skin, treating hair problems is also an important benefit of eating almonds. Hair-fall, dandruff, graying and dryness can be all addressed to by daily massages using almond oil.
► These nuts are rich in what is known as nutrientriboflavin and phenylalanine. These two substances improve neurological function. In other words, almonds boost brain power, and that is why it is the most beneficial for growing children.
► Almonds being high in folic acid, is also immensely beneficial for expecting mothers and their newborn babies. Folic acid is essential in preventing any kind of abnormalities in infants.
► Almond milk is lactose free, making it the best alternative to cow's milk. The milk which is derived from almonds is more suitable for people who are lactose intolerant; they cannot digest the sugar found in cow's milk.
► The milk finds its application in almost all food recipes which has cow's milk as one of its ingredients. To add to this, almond milk is free of antibiotics and hormones, nutritionally rich, low in calories and tastes great!
► Regular intake of these nuts has been studied to provide essential protection against diabetes. One of the main concerns in diabetics is the spike in blood sugar levels after meal. In a certain study, doctors fed a group of people a meal consisting largely of almonds, and a meal with ordinary food.
After testing their blood samples before and after the meals, they were convinced that the almond meal actually helped in slowing down the rise in blood sugar. It also increased the levels of antioxidants in the blood, which is again a beneficial factor against cholesterol.
► The occurrence of gallstones can also be prevented by eating almonds. A mere 1 ounce of these nuts each week means 25% less risk of developing this condition.
Apart from being available in raw, soaked and roasted form, almonds can also be taken in butter form. Almond butter is similar to peanut butter; healthy and delicious. It is available in chunky, smooth and flavored varieties, and retains all the nutritional value of the almonds it is made from.
Needless to say, too much of anything is bad, and this fits true even with almonds. Eating too much of these nuts can trigger weight gain, cause medicine interactions, vitamin E overdose, and may lead to gastrointestinal problems. So, as recommended by experts, simply munch on 15-20 almonds a day and you can add more to your healthy life!
Disclaimer: The provided information is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of an expert.