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Almond Milk Vs. Soy Milk

Leena Palande
The topic 'almond milk vs. soy milk' is fiercely debated over, as the popularity of these milk-types is increasing everyday. People who follow vegan or vegetarian diets and people with lactose intolerance prefer almond milk and soy milk, as healthy alternatives to cow milk.
Read on to know nutritional values, characteristics, health benefits and dangers of milk made from almonds and soy.
Almond milk or soy milk cannot be called 'true milk'. Almond milk is made by grinding soaked almonds and water together. Sometimes, a few dates are added to it for sweetening. Soy milk is made from ground soaked soy and water. They are used as substitutes for real milk.

Almond Milk and Soy Milk

Both almond and soy milk have some advantages and disadvantages. Try them, and you will be able to notice the difference between their tastes and flavors.
  • Soy milk has more proteins than almond milk.
  • Almond milk has less fats and sugar than any other type of non-dairy milk.
  • More varieties of soy milk are easily available as they are more popular than almond milk.
  • Almond milk can be used as a substitute for milk in sweet dishes. Soy milk may leave distasteful marks when used for such purposes.
  • Soy milk is the best for salad dressing, pasta sauce and mashed potatoes.
  • Soy milk has an acquired taste while almond milk has a natural, nice, light taste.

Nutritional Value

Almond Milk: Basically, almonds are highly nutritious. There are certain benefits of soaking almonds in water. One serving of unsweetened almond milk (1 cup or 8 fluid ounces) gives you around 90 calories. It contains around 3 gm fat, 1 gm fiber, and 1 gm protein. It is free of cholesterol and saturated fat.
It is rich in vitamins and minerals and omega fatty acids. Level of manganese, selenium, and vitamin E is quite high in almond milk. Almond milk can supply 30% of your daily calcium requirement.
Soy Milk: Soybean is one of the most prominent natural sources of good proteins. The whole world is currently reaping the health benefits of soybean. The nutritional value of soy milk is almost the same as that of cow milk. One serving of the milk gives you 110 calories. It contains 10 gm of proteins, 4 gm of fat, and 14 gm of carbohydrates.
Calcium, iron, sodium and riboflavin are also present in the milk made from soybeans. It is concentrated in omega-3 fatty acids. The fat content is highly unsaturated. The milk is free of cholesterol. You get 80 mg of calcium from one serving of this milk, it is not a rich source of calcium. So, it is often fortified with extra calcium.


Almond Milk
  • It promotes growth and repair functions of the body.
  • Magnesium helps break down the consumed food into energy. It helps the parathyroid gland to function well. So, you have healthy bones.
  • Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant and destroys the free radicals which cause damage to cell membranes.
  • Selenium improves the function of reproductive and immune systems. It promotes thyroid function.
  • As there is no cholesterol, the risk of heart diseases is significantly reduced.
  • Potassium helps maintain normal blood pressure.
  • The flavonoids obtained from the crushed skin of almonds are good for cardiovascular health.
  • Being naturally flavored, the need to add artificial flavors is nullified.
  • It can be easily prepared and stored.
  • There is no loss of vitamins and minerals and no boiling is involved in the making of almond milk. In case of soy milk, boiling of the mixture is required.
  • It is a good substitute for people who evince lactose intolerance symptoms.
Soy Milk
  • The isoflavones in the milk resemble the hormone estrogen. They maintain our health. They reduce the chances of cancer and osteoporosis.
  • Manganese in the milk activates various body enzymes.
  • Cholesterol is absent. So there is less risk of heart diseases.
  • It enriches the body with high quality proteins and carbohydrates. Soy protein is as good as protein from milk, eggs or chicken.
  • It is preferred for a diabetic diet because of the variety of carbohydrates present in it.
  • It helps reduce the fat obtained through consumption of meat or oil.
  • It is best for people with milk allergy symptoms.
  • It does not contain lactose (milk sugar).
  • The isoflavones help lower blood cholesterol levels. They also help reduce the side effects of menopause.
  • The milk does not contain the protein casein. Many people are allergic to casein.


Almond Milk:
  • It is risky for those diagnosed with low thyroid functions. The chemicals present in them inhibit thyroid function as they interfere with the iodine intake. Deficiency of iodine results in goiter. Almonds are considered as goitrogens.
  • It is an inadequate option for an infant's diet. Breast milk is the best milk for infants.
Soy Milk:
  • Excessive use of soy may lead to breast cancer and other cancers.
  • Many brands manufacturing soy milk contain more sugar and chemicals than required.
  • Isoflavones from the milk are held responsible for thyroid disorder, leukemia, and breast cancer.
  • Phytic acid in the milk can lead to low absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • High levels of phytoestrogen may lower testosterone levels in males. The production of sperms may get affected.
  • Early onset of puberty as well as adolescence in males can be attributed to the phytoestrogen from the milk.
  • In women, the milk can produce abnormalities in the reproductive tract which can lead to infertility.
  • Estrogen in soy milk is harmful for babies.
  • Fatigue, fever, and wheezing are some of the adverse reactions to this milk.
  • Regular consumption of the milk sometimes leads to sudden skin problems like eczema, acne, and swelling.
  • The toxic aluminum present in it can affect the nervous system and kidneys.
  • Excessive consumption of the milk may generate stomach problems like abdominal cancer.
  • Sometimes, it develops allergies and exhibits symptoms like coughing, sneezing, and congestion.
While discussing almond milk vs. soy milk, you should also take into consideration personal liking and whether one is allergic to nuts like almonds or beans like soy. Some people cannot tolerate soy. But, once they get used to, they prefer it. However, it is safe to conclude that both soy and almond milk are healthy drinks.