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Agave Nectar vs Sugar

Rajib Singha
This story is a comparative analysis of agave nectar vs sugar that presents to you various facts to help you choose the sweetener that does good to your health.
First of all, let us have a quick intro on both these sweeteners. So what is agave nectar? Also known as agave syrup, this product has been known to be in use for centuries by the natives of Mexico and South Africa.
It is produced from several species of the agave plant, more particularly the blue agave, which is also popular for tequila as its other product. Fructose and glucose are the main components of this product.
However, the composition of both these types of sugars depend upon the source of the agave nectar. For example, in one type of agave plant, the percentage ratio of fructose to glucose is found to be 92:8, while in another source, the same could be 56:20. Coming to sugar, here, we are referring to table sugar, which is basically a carbohydrate composed of sucrose, lactose, and fructose. The primary sources of sugar are sugar canes and sugar beets.

Difference Between Agave Nectar and Sugar

  • Agave nectar is known to be 1.4 to 1.6 times sweeter than the usual table sugar that we use. So you are getting the same sweetness but with a lower calorie intake. However, what is more important to know is that the former has a low glycemic index than the latter.
Glycemic index is used as a measurement of how fast and how high can a certain food increase the blood sugar levels. Experts say that agave nectar has a GI that is about 5 times lower than what table sugar provides.
  • Choosing agave nectar over sugar not only keeps the body from blood sugar surges, but also provides other additional benefits. The nectar contains saponins. These substances possess anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Sugar, on the other hand adds no nutrition except calories.
  • Agave is also a rich source of inulin - a substance that is used by plants to store energy. This substance helps in increasing calcium absorption, promotes growth of friendly beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, is a soluble fiber, and holds properties of a prebiotic, as well.
Its effect on increasing blood sugar levels is negligible thus, it's considered as an ideal food choice for diabetics. And needless to say, table sugar lacks this beneficial product.
  • Speaking of calories, a tablespoon of agave nectar provides 60 calories, while table sugar gives 40 calories. However, as mentioned earlier, given the sweetness of nectar over sugar, one can use less of it without increasing any calories.
Many nutritionists disregard the fact that agave nectar is better than sugar. In fact, they call it a fad. They are of the view that refined agave nectar is no healthier than sugar, or any artificial sweetener. According to them, if corn syrup is considered for comparison, then nectar shares similar characteristics in terms of nutrition and function as well.
There is no denial to the fact that the nectar does contain some nutrients such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium, but then, not in amounts that would make a prominent difference in terms of health.
Since the nectar has a significantly lower GI than sugar, it is considered as a sweetener suitable for diabetics. However, this fact is disregarded by some experts. According to them, any food cannot be assigned a specific GI value, as there is always some kind of inconsistency in the evidence to do so.
Therefore, it would be not appropriate to regard agave nectar as a suitable sweetener for diabetes. Another important fact is, the American Diabetes Association enlists agave among other sweeteners such as table sugar, honey, brown sugar, maple sugar, and confectioner's sugar.
There is still no sufficient evidence which can state whether agave nectar is better than sugar or not. But for people with diabetes, it is better to err on the side of caution, and avoid both these kinds of sweeteners. The best way to bring in some sweetness in the diet is to go for whole fruits - better source of nutrients, and fiber, and undoubtedly lower than agave or any sweetener in terms of GI. Take care!