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Advantages of Sea Salt

Rita Putatunda
Sea salt is basically derived by a natural process of evaporating sea water. Being unprocessed, sea salt contains nutrients, which are removed if processed, and hence, has several health advantages. Read more about it here.
Think about this: our tears taste salty, our blood tastes salty, in fact, our body fluids are remarkably akin to a salty sea environment. Salt is one of the essential elements of life, but the human body cannot produce it, hence we have to take it from an external source.
Most of the salt we get these days is either from table salt or foods that contain salt in them, such as meat. The trouble is that the human body does not know how to handle processed salt.
Most people are not aware of the fact that there are considerable differences between the processed table salt that we use in our cooking and natural salt derived from the sea. The differences play a major role in us staying healthy.
Years of consuming processed salt can cause damage to various parts of the body such as the bones, muscles, kidneys, and heart. Plus, it is refined table salt that causes water retention and bloating.
The table salt that we regularly use actually comprises 97.5 percent sodium chloride plus 2.5 percent chemicals such as iodine and moisture absorbents. Processed at more than 1,200 degrees F, this enormous heat causes an alteration to its natural chemical structure.


Sea salt basically means unrefined salt that is directly derived from the sea or ocean. It is made by sea water being channeled into large trays made of clay, where it is allowed to evaporate naturally by the wind and the sun.
Since those who manufacture salt usually do not use any refining process, it retains traces of various minerals such as iodine, zinc, manganese, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron. It can be a little gray in color, which is indicative of the various minerals it contains, apart from sodium chloride.


Comprising all the elements that are found in the human body, there are several advantages of sea salt, some of which are given here:
● In the past, saltwater has always been a healing ingredient used for the body. And sea salt, which is extracted from sea water, has the same ability to detoxify and heal the human body because of the minerals it contains, which are vital for our health.
● The potassium, calcium, and magnesium that sea salt contains have many beneficial effects. Potassium helps in keeping the moisture of the skin in balance and also provides energy to the body. It also helps to relax the muscles and relieve its stiffness.
Calcium not only strengthens bones, but also prevents the retention of water and increases circulation. Magnesium too fights the retention of fluids and also helps to fight stress. Moreover, it has a calming effect on the nervous system and helps in slowing down the aging of skin.
● Unrefined salt has a clean, pure, and bright flavor, and when added to food it enhances the taste subtly due to its trace elements. When unprocessed salt is eaten, it immediately starts the process of digestion by working with the saliva.
The more minerals there are in the mouth, the better the digestion that takes place. This digestive process carries on in the stomach.
● Natural sea salt also reduces blood pressure. Plus it helps the adrenals, kidneys, and the liver to work far more efficiently. It also has the ability of boosting the immune system.
● Unprocessed sea salt helps in extracting the toxins and acidity from the cells, particularly from the brain cells. Moreover, it also helps in dissolving calcium deposits, which can create health problems.
● Unrefined salt helps in regulating the levels of water in the body, thus maintaining the delicate balance that needs to exist between the cells and body fluids, while also helping to maintain the electrolyte balance.
● Being a powerful antihistamine, salt also prevents muscles from cramping and clears sinuses from congestion. It is also a natural soporific, thus helping to regulate sleep. Moreover, sea salt helps to balance blood sugar levels.